Monday, October 25, 2004

"The Bumblefuck Strikes Again"

Just when I thought things were getting better...

He strikes.

I thought it couldn't get worse.

It did.

Yes, my friends, he did it again. He has now messed up three plotters. An HP 1055CM+ ($11,995), an HP 800 ($6,995), and an ancient HP Drawing Master II pen plotter that ya can't get parts for anymore.

The 1055CM+ was fixed by our in-house technicians after two days of trying to figure out what he did.

The problem?

Bumblefuck forgot to plug in a cable.

The 800 is still being fixed after a week, two techs, and an hour phone call to HP Tech Support.

The Drawing Master II?

After a two hour drive on the freeway tomorrow morning, I'll find out.

I have to drive 180 miles (~290 km) just to find out what Bumblefuck did...

...or did not do.

Oh, the plotter that is out there now? That is a loaner that ol' BF brought out because he rendered theirs FUBAR.

He went out twice for the same problem.

So, tomorrow will make four days and 720 miles (~1159 km) driven to fix something...

That something?

That something started out as a broken paper hold-down lever at the front of the plotter.

The fix?

Five screws, one lever.


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