Friday, October 01, 2004

"Free Day" or "The Day After"

After coming close to a mental meltdown on Tuesday, my boss let me "work from home" today. I'm to keep my cell phone on and handy, but I doubt he'll call. I am taking care of some paperwork on the computer, but that's about it. ;-)

I did some reading at
Nation States' forums about last night's "debate." The thing I watched last night wasn't a debate; it was a double press conference.

Although I lean to the right and dislike Kerry, he won. But, something I noticed at that forum... The Bush supporters tried to make points about why they thought Bush won, most of the Kerry supporters just called the Bush supporters (and Bush) names. No debate there either. Just an observation...

I don't like either candidate. Bush has an agenda that I don't like. Kerry (to me) is slimy and is just as untrustworthy as Bush. For the first time in my voting history, I seriously do not know who I'm going to vote for. I do not vote against, I vote for a candidate.

I think I'm going to work on some new shows for
Radio Enigma. I have 12 shows in the can. We're changing to a higher bitrate stream, so I have to re-encode the shows. Hell, I might even wash my car today. If I'm really feeling nutty, I might just go down to the garage and throw a bunch of junk away.


Blogger CynLynn said...

"...If I'm really feeling nutty, I might just go down to the garage and throw a bunch of junk away."

Well, it's about 27 hours... and counting.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Johnny VW said...


10:33 AM  

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