Sunday, October 17, 2004

"Apartment Living" or "Why I Smoke"

We ran to the corner grocery to pick up a few necessities.

As we rounded the the walkway to our apartment, we noticed that all five washing machines in the laundry room were open! Oh joy!

We gathered the dirty laundry, got the soap, and ran downstairs.

Five minutes.

Four of the five washing machines were already taken!!!

I about blew a gasket.

We put one load in the open washer and headed back upstairs.

Just as I was calming down... thumpa, thumpa, thump-thump...

The neighbors downstairs have cranked up the Kareoke machine.


About the neighbors downstairs...

OK, I have nothing against Vietnamese people or Vietnamese cooking. Hell, I really like Vietnamese food.

BUT... These people downstairs... Night and day, day and night. There is either Karaoke or cooking going on down there. The sounds and smells waft up through our bathroom first, then into the hallway, then rest in the living room/dining room. I just love coming home to our apartment smelling like cabbage, garlic, mothballs and ass! We have to open the windows and light candles just to get rid of their smell.

Last night, at 1:30am... thump, thumpa, thump-thump...

I about screamed out the window, "SHUT THE FUCK UP DOWN THERE!!!" Actually, I didn't, because Cyn told me I better not!

One of these days, I'm going to break out the Strat, lower the Blues Jr. to their balcony, and hit them with a few very loud and very poorly played power chords.

Wonder if they'll get the point?


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