"Strange Day"
It was a weird day.
I was at my old workplace all day today. Things that haven't bugged me about being there came to a head when I came home. It's stupid (and I'm better thanks to Cyn), but there are a few people there in my old group that are about as useful as tits on a bull. It just ate at me that they are there, doing well $$$ wise, and not doing a damn thing. I've been working my ass off, giving it my all, and can barely keep above water.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not envious, nor am I jealous... Well, not anymore. It's childish. I know that.
Cyn and I had a long talk and she calmed me down.
I then went grocery shopping... solo. I stuck to the list and got in line to check out.
There was a Hispanic lady with a (about) two year old buying groceries with food stamps. The little boy was sitting in the basket, being as good as gold. The lady was speaking English to the cashier, which is a rare thing around here.
Everything in that basket was a necessity. No junk.
It kept rolling around in my mind how silly I was today. We have it quite well compared to a lot of people. I was on the verge of tears when the little boy took a little whistle out of his pocket. He blew on it. The whistle broke the silence (and the mood) with a hilarious "Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!"
That did it. I was in stitches! So was the rest of the line. I gave the little boy a big smile and a wink. I tried to send a thought to him, "It's going to be okay, little brother, it's going to be okay."
Sometimes I need a ground in this "staticky" life. Lynn connected it, that little boy shot the electricity through it.
Yes, it's going to be okay.
"The Democratization of Johnny, Part 1"
Many moons ago, in another life, I used to work the night shift as a draftsman for McDonnell Douglas.
I was the only person in the building; it was very quiet. It was just me, my DECstation 5000 and a radio.
To entertain myself while working on Aircraft Wiring Diagrams, I listened to Stephanie Miller on KFI. It made the night go fast and always left a smile on my face.
Stephanie left radio to go on to TV projects and I hadn't heard from her since...
Until today.
Since Cyn's "Democratization of Johnny" plan took effect (LOL!), I've had more than a passing interest in the new Left Radio network, "Air America."
I was in the... um... thinking room... and turned on our local affiliate on 1150AM (KTLK). I heard a guy that used to be on KFI...
I wondered where he went.
Anyway, I got onto KTLK's website and noticed that Steph is doing morning drive!
I got to her website, downloaded Friday's show, and introduced Cyn to the whackyness that is Stephanie Miller!
It's been damn near 10 years since I heard her last. She still has it!
Give Steph a listen, you might just laugh.
It's all Galoot's fault!
OK, I got caught up on my blog reading...
I headed over to "Terrible, Terrible Things" to read my Canadian brother's thoughts.
Yeah, Galoot's an ubergeek like me! LOL I started looking for "BEAST" and got on a major Internet digression.
I cut my teeth on an Atari 800. I started thinking of some of the games I used to play and some of the programs I wrote. OK, I was thinking more games. LOL
I started searching for a good Atari emulator and found THIS. I installed it and started downloading some of the ROM dumps. It looks, sounds, and feels just like the Atari! The cool part is that you can emulate the A and B versions of the 800, the 800XL. 130XE, 320XE, and the 5200 game console! Too bad they did add the original 2600 game console...
So, I downloaded "Miner 2049'er." and have been cursing up a storm at Bounty Bob for not remembering how to play... err, um, that would be me... LOL!!!
Lynn's just rolling her eyes at me!