The Anger of Money and the All-important and Hypocritical "Me."
This place where we live is a tapestry of contradictions. There are poor Latinos spread everywhere. This is a very Right-of-Center place. Hell, it's Right-of-Right. A lot of money is made and spent here.
Just up the street is TBN's palatial Tower of Babel. Make it big, white and gilded and you get closer to God, right? A little further is a Mall that would blow your mind. Not as ritzy as Rodeo Drive, but getting there.
The motto of this place should be, "Orange County, It's All about ME!" People park, drive and walk like they are the only beings in the universe. Millions on crowded streets, yakking on their cell phones at an inappropriate volume. What makes them think I want to hear about what Summer or Buffy did at the dinner last night? Why do I care that Ken knows everything about business deals and is going to make a big buy tomorrow? Is he doing that for my benefit? I'm not impressed.
They drive like assholes with their crosses and fish placards plastered all over their Hummers or Tahoes. The Jag that just cut me off has a bumper sticker that states, "No Jesus, No Peace... Know Jesus, Know Peace."
The closed-minded masses are reproducing in mind-numbing numbers. As José cuts their grass and Maria cleans at their beige cookie-cutter McMansion, they kvetch about the illegal alien problem.
Take another pill. The TV says so.
It's all about me. How sad. I mentally scream, "It ISN'T! Stupid!!!"
This place where we live is safe. The worst crime on our block recently was a fight down the street at the Asian club.
I love and hate this place. It has no charm unless you look really deep. This is where I grew up... well, about 20 miles from here.
This apartment is too small. It's too small for one person, let alone two of us. We hear the people on one side arguing through the wall, smell the funky odors of the downstairs neighbors' cooking, and hear every time the guy on the other side takes a piss. People don't bother to walk up to another and talk, they yell across the complex. Once again, why do I care what you're having for dinner or what your brat did? I work my ass off and can't get out. We're stuck here for a little longer. The place where I grew up doesn't exist anymore.
Take another pill.
Our apartment manager was unceremoniously terminated to go to rehab. Rehab for what? I don't know. I'm sure it was for speed or something like that. Never saw her drunk. We loved her too! One of the best apartment managers I've ever had. I hope she does OK. (I wonder if they'll take the fish and dove stickers off the Manager's apartment?)
Hypocrites. Wave your damned finger at me at why I should or shouldn't think a certain way, why I should or shouldn't do certain things.
Don't get me wrong. I was born a Catholic and raised a Protestant. I have a strong belief in God. I have an extreme distaste for The Church. Man's interpretation of man's interpretation, of man's interpretation... Something was lost in the translation and these people are buying it en masse. Where did it all go so terribly wrong? The Earth is Flat. The sun, moon and stars revolve around us. We are the only solar system. Only we have water. Only we have/had life. We are holy, chosen, unique.
Take another pill, the TV says so.
The Amendments are falling one by one.
What ever happened to news? Infotainment is what's glowing on our screens and blasting from our radios. Keep 'em scared, they'll do what we want.
Take another pill, the TV says so.